INSIDE Flipbook is our new series promoting the talented individuals that make the studio so great. From artists to producers, every member of the team brings a unique personality and skillset.
In this edition, we sat down with Flipbook Studio’s Producer, Jo Wilkinson.
What interested you in joining Flipbook and when did you start?
It’s coming up to 9 years now! I joined Flipbook in the early days when they were just a year into the startup. It was exciting for me to join a small studio with big ideas and great talent already on board. Even then, the clients Flipbook were working with were impressive, and being passionate about animation and illustration, it was the perfect role for me.
I wanted to be part of a collaborative environment and help shape the studio as it grew.
What’s day-to-day life like as a producer?
It’s varied – I don’t think any day as a producer is ever the same. Most of the time, I’m running multiple projects at different stages, so the ability to juggle, adapt and change quickly is a necessity…as is keeping calm! There’s normally some sort of deadline in the mix that means routines can be quickly thrown up in the air.
I generally start the day checking through emails, then catch up on projects with the team. There might be a new brief to discuss, a client meeting, or an internal creative brainstorm. I’m the central point between creatives, management and clients, so I’m there to communicate where the process is and make sure the tools are there for everyone to get the best results.
How has your role changed since you started at Flipbook?
Being a team of four when I first joined to where it is now, my role’s naturally developed and grown alongside the studio. In the beginning, Monday morning production meetings happened over a couple of desks with the desk chairs wheeled alongside. Now, we make the most of break out areas and meeting rooms.
As well as heading up the day to day production, I’m also part of the wider team, developing creative and strategies within the company now and for the future. The number of jobs running through the studio has increased, as has the team.
I learnt a huge amount in the early days – being a tight-knit studio I got a very close insight into every step of production. The experience has been invaluable.
What’s your favourite part of the job?
The most enjoyable part of the role for me is at the very beginning of a project: taking a brief, discussing the different routes it can take, then getting down to it. It can be really challenging during the initial weeks of pre-production, and there’s always a lot of unknowns.
However, the briefs are fairly open at the start and there’s a creative buzz. I also find the problem solving really satisfying – a lot of the time, we’re looking for ideas and solutions that make time and budgets that can achieve great results.
What’s been your favourite project that you’ve worked on so far?
Tough one! There’s a few – all for very different reasons. The most enjoyable projects for me are always down to the people we work and collaborate with.
One of the most enjoyable TVCs was Harrison Spinks. Not only a lovely creative and product but the team around it – from client and agency to production – were all amazing. There was a mutual appreciation for each other’s specialities.
Our internal short, Bogeyman, was rewarding. Being an internal project, it had its own challenges, however, I did gain a lot of knowledge and insight that’s stuck with me, and seeing something entirely developed inhouse that went on to win awards was amazing.
We’ve also been fortunate enough to work with some really talented illustrators recently on a variety of charity films with M&C Saatchi. Some of which I’ve admired for some time, so that’s been really rewarding.
Where do you see the future for Flipbook Studio?
We’re entering an exciting time right now in the industry and as a studio. We’re currently working on some internal pieces which allow the studio to develop and push the team’s strengths. We’re also working on a short film, which is a co-production with a studio in Israel coming out later this year. I think collaboration and developing relationships in this industry is really important to get the best results. In an industry that’s constantly moving and changing, there are always new things to learn.
We’ve a talented bunch here, so being able to develop internally as well as working on the variety of briefs already flowing through the studio is great. Continued development and collaboration mean the future is bright.